Are We Too Tired To Change?

July 31, 2019

Are We Too Tired To Change?

The word transformation has become a vocabulary staple in the world of business. The need to evolve and do it fast to avoid the threat of disruption from an unlikely upstart is ever-present. What is intriguing is that the word transformation for many of us implies an end state. A place where change has occurred and concluded like when a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. Yet we know this is not how it’s playing out, as organisations (and people) are now having to operate in a constant state of transformation where it can feel like there is no end in sight. 

The struggle to cope with the pace and scale of change is real and concerning. I recently spent hours with my executive customers deep-diving into the constant state of transformation and how it is impacting their people, two words kept falling from their mouths…change fatigue. 

“Change fatigue is a real problem.”

“We have an increasing level of change fatigue.”

The degree of change and challenge has fatigued people.”

These statements made me question… are we too tired to change? I suspect for many of us the answer might very well be yes!

Change fatigue is being driven by the compounding effect of a constant state of transformation partnered with a lack of skill in intentional adaptability.

Transformation creates disruption and discomfort. If we are constantly transforming and disrupting ourselves and our environment then that feeling of discomfort compounds and without the right skills, it can leave us overwhelmed and completely exhausted. This is the space where change fatigue sets in and blocks the ability to embrace new change.

The world has sped up and we have not stopped to take a breath and ask how do we skill our people in being able to adapt? How do we self-regulate when it comes to technology? How do we unlearn and disrupt the beliefs and assumptions that are holding us back from challenging the status quo? How do we bring consciousness and meaning to the forefront of our decision making?

The only way to tackle the rising level of change fatigue is by being bold enough to reset our mindset and behaviours by building skill in intentional adaptability. What does this mean in practical terms of where we focus our people development energy? It means creating experimental, humanly connected learning opportunities in the every day that teach people how to:

  • Focus in a world that’s designed to distract them and how to create the space for less busy and more of what matters.
  • Be courageous by using fear and failure as levers to create the change they want to see in their work, their life and the world.
  • Use curiosity as a state of being in the everyday and practice of asking more questions than answering them and the lost art of listening to one another. 

This is where we at BKindred have been playing with our customers like Deloitte, Mercer, NAB, and Carey Grammar.  We have been experimenting with these open-minded partners, working with them to build an Intentional Adaptability profile, an assessment and an educational program that prevents change fatigue and drives transformation that is conscious and impactful.

We are currently looking for more courageous organisations to partner with in order to further demonstrate the impact of skill in intentional adaptability. So, if it feels like change fatigue is growing in your business and you know it’s time to pause and create a paradigm shift in the way you change, we want to talk to you.  Email us at and let’s talk.

BKindred is on a mission to teach 10 million humans how to intentionally adapt, in order to future proof happiness by 2025. We put humans first in a world of technology, skilling you, your people and organisation to thrive in the future. Learn more about the Intentional Adaptability Quotient® (IAQ®) and why it is the new competitive advantage. Are you ready for the future? Take our free Intentional Adaptability Quotient® Self-Assessment here.